Title: Nuclear spin assisted quantum tunnelling of magnetic monopoles in spin ice

Giblin SR, Paulsen C, Lhotel E (2019). Nuclear spin assisted quantum tunnelling of magnetic monopoles in spin ice. Cardiff University. https://doi.org/10.17035/d.2019.0069144874

Access Rights: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

Access Method: Click to email a request for this data to opendata@cardiff.ac.uk

Cardiff University Dataset Creators

Dataset Details

Publisher: Cardiff University

Date (year) of data becoming publicly available: 2019

Data format: .xlsx

Software Required: none

Estimated total storage size of dataset: Less than 100 megabytes

Number of Files In Dataset: 6

DOI : 10.17035/d.2019.0069144874

DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.17035/d.2019.0069144874


This data is the raw data for Fig 3 a-c and Fig 4 a-c.

The data of Fig 3 a-c are stored as column 1 (magnetisation) column 2 (time) for the different wait times for each experiment (isotope of spine ice ) below the freezing temperature. Clearly the magnetisation changes depending on the wait time showing non-equilibrium behaviour

The data of Fig 4 a-c are stored as column 1 (field) column 2 (magnetisation) for the different wait times in each sheet for the different isotopes of spin ice. Clearly the thermal avalanches changes depending on the wait time showing non-equilibrium behaviour.

Further information can be obtained from the paper.

The data can be manipulated as described in the text in the paper to reveal the analysed data.

Research results are published in the paper at https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-09323-6

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Last updated on 2024-22-04 at 14:14