Projects (15)
Cardiff University Schools involved in this Project
Yang-Baxter endomorphisms of the Cuntz algebras (01/06/2018 - 30/06/2018)
- Lechner, Gandalf
Yatton Histology (01/12/2020 - 31/03/2022)
- Madgwick, Richard
Yiling China Medical Scholarship (01/02/2014 - 31/07/2020)
- Jiang, Wen
Ymgynghoriaeth Polisi Iaith/Strategaethaw Newid Ymddygiad (10/03/2014 - 31/05/2014)
- Evas, Jeremy
Ymgynghoriaeth Polisi Iarih/Strategaethau Newid Ymaddyiad (10/03/2014 - 31/05/2014)
- Evas, Jeremy
Ynysarwed mine water treatability assessment (01/11/2018 - 30/06/2020)
- Sapsford, Devin
Young Children's educational experiences during COVID-19: Amplifying their voices to enhance our understanding (01/11/2021 - 31/03/2022)
- Mannay, Dawn
Young people, alternative proteins and pedagogies for sustainable futures (01/09/2021 - 18/10/2023)
- Bear, Christopher
Young people and EU referendum: Brexit one year on (01/01/2017 - 30/09/2019)
- Jones, Ian
Young people and housing: Identifying policy challenges and solutions for 2020 (16/12/2009 - 15/05/2011)